Alda - Evolution

Aulona - Colorful World

Anja - In White

tweetyourlook tru trussardi event anjeza tufina thedollsfactory photo tweetyourlook-tru-trussardi-anja-tufina-thedollsfactory_zps37b675a8.jpg

Suela - Black and Yellow

Aulona - Skeleton dress

Suela - Go Green

Alda - Desperado

Armanda - Dragons & Tigers

Anja - Fashion Week Style

sephora beautv milan fashion week the dolls factory photo milan-fashion-week-sephora-beautv-thedollsfactory5_zps95f29b7c.jpg

Armanda - Glitter & Check

Anja - Gas Jeans

gas pop up jeans photo gas-pop-up-jeans-thedollsfactory17_zps0a381758.jpg

Suela Granada Spain

Ioana Spring Please

Jona E djela e Fundit ne Rome

Aulona - Stripes & Polka Dots

Anja - Red Leather Jacket

tru trussardi spring summer 2013 looks tweetyourlook thedollsfactory photo tweetyourlook-tru-trussardi-milano-thedollsfactory1_zpsc3cec020.jpg

Armanda - Planet Legendary

Kiki - I will wait for you

Suela - Suspenders


Ioana Boyfriend Jeans

Kiki Black & Blue

Aulona - Urban Style

Enxhi - Ngjyrat e Veres per thonjte

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Te kesh thonj perfekt do te thote qe ato te jene te limuara sa me mire ne te njejten forme dhe gjatesi si dhe te lyhen ne ngjyren e duhur. Cdo periudhe ka ngjyrat e saj karakteristike, por kete Vere ju mund te aplikoni te gjitha ngjyrat duke filluar nga ngjyrat e lehta tek ato me te erretat. Kete here nuk ka rregulla te percaktuara. Ne qofte se ju pelqen ngjyra e kuqe e ndezur ose nje ngjyre roze e lehte askush nuk ju ndalon. Sigurisht qe do te me pelqente shume qe te zbatohej vetem nje rregull: Te zhduket ngjyra fosforeshente ose ajo te aplikohet ne thonj te shkurter qe nuk jane te bera as me xhel ose me tipse.
Keto jane manikyrat qe revista ELLE ka zgjedhur, duke ju dhene juve nje ide se cfare ngjyrash te zgjidhni.

CHIC AND CHEAP - Ask All your Questions!!

Go ask all your questions to:

Anja - Calatrava Design

ford kuga valencia city of arts and sciences photo ford-kuga-valencia-calatrava-thedollsfactory30_zpscc40d3cb.jpg

Aulona - Duar me ngjyra...dashurie

Armanda - Polka Dots

Beauty - Givenchy SS13 via the Dolls Factory

Givenchy Le Rouge and Le Vernis Spring Summer 2013 photo givenchy-le-rouge-le-vernis-spring-summer-2013-thedollsfactory4_zps3fd6a457.jpg

Ioana - Blazer&Shirt

Anja - Valencia Vintage Shopping

valencia vintage shopping ford kuga photo ford-kuga-shopping-experience-thedollsfactory56_zps30a33f63.jpg

Stela - Villa di Maiano

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