AFB Nentor - Stil per Vjeshte Dimer 2013 2014

Mango Vjeshte Dimmer 2013 2014

Miranda Kerr per Mango Vjeshte Dimer 2013 2014 

AFB Shator - Stil per Vjeshte Dimer 2013 2014


Zara Vjeshte Dimer 2013

Frymezuar (ose kopjuar) nga Céline dhe Chloé me ne fund Zara ka prezantuar Lookbook-un e vjeshtes. Nje look minimal per te na bere te harrojme trendin e luleve dhe stampave te veres. 

REA - Sweetest Thing

Armanda - Blood Orange

The Invalid Mode nga Refiela Shoraj

Rafiela Shoraj
23 Vjec - Studente - Firenze

Cilat jane ngjyrat qe gjenden ne gardaroben tende? 
Ngjyrat ne guardaroben time jan te gjitha. E preferuara eshte bojeqielli.

3 produkte bukurie pa te ciliat nuk do jetoje dot?
Red lipstick, eyeliner dhe mascara nga Chanel.

Ke dyqan do na keshilloje per shopping ne qytetin ku jeton?
"Luisa Via Roma" ne Firenze

Stilisti i preferuar?
Alexander McQueen

Ku i merr informacionet mbi moden?
Kam studiuar styling dhe punoj ne nje boutique rrobash dhe kjo me ndihmon te jem gjithmone e informuar per cdo trend mode. Shkoj shpesh ne Milan Fashion Week, Pitti Firenze per te pare trended e fundit.

Ke ke si Style Icon?

Perse e hape fillimisht blogun tend dhe cfare do gjejme te shkruajtur aty?
Un kam hapur blogun per tu prezantuar njerezve nje menyre ndryshe per te pare jeten dhe moden. Kam bere nje aksident kur kam qene e vogel dhe kjo ngjarje me ka lene shenja evidente, por kjo veshtirsi nuk me ka frenuar ne ndermarrjen e  pasioneve te mia dhe te jetes time.

+ Ndiqni Refielen tek blogu

The Dolls Factory - Street Art

parosh fendi thedollsfactory anjeza tufina photo parosh-fendi-summer-blue-dress-thedollsfactory-3_zpsb7a0a920.jpg

Aulona - In love with a cowboy

The Dolls Factory - Summer Hairstyles for Glamour

Armanda - Rain

Jona - Maxi dress in windy Vlora

The Dolls Factory Black

back to black photo thedollsfactory-back-to-black-anjeza-tufina1_zpsa437ef55.jpg

Fatma nga blogu Amare Vogue

Fatma Dobi - 21 Vjec - Udine, Itali

Cilat jane ngjyrat qe gjenden ne gardaroben tende?
Ne gardaroben time ngjyra kryhesore eshte e zeza ..pastaj bezha dhe bluja (ose jeans)

3 produkte bukurie pa te ciliat nuk do jetoje dot?
Nuk lyhem shume keshtu qe jam pak produktet e bukurise qe perdor ..gjithmone perdor per ftyren Dream Fresh BB nga Maybelline New York, per buzet perdor buzhkuqin e RIMMEL London Kate Moss " lasting finish intense wear" ne ngjyren "airy fairy" shume natyral ..dhe i treti munt te them qe eshte nje eyeliner "Precision" shume i thjesh i zi nga KIKO. 

Ke dyqan do na keshilloje per shopping ne qytetin ku jeton?
Ne Udine dyqani im i preferuar eshte "CUMINI" 

Stilisti i preferuar?

Stilisti im i preferuar eshte pa dyshim "mbreti " KARL LAGERFELD !

Ke ke si Style Icon?
Style icon kam shume .. e preferuar eshte KATE MOSS .. pastaj vjen OLIVIA PALERMO , AMY WINEHOUSE, MIRANDA KERR, VICTORIA TORNEGREN dhe e fundit qe kam sbuluar eshte JENAH YAMAMOTO

Perse e hape fillimisht blogun tend dhe cfare do gjejme te shkruajtur aty?
Kisha vite qe doja te hapja blog po as nje here nuk e merrja vendimin sepse eshte nje aktivitet qe do kohe dhe duhet te behet per kenaqsi dhe jo si pune. Nuk kam shume kohe sepse universiteti per Juridik me impejnon shume bashke me punen.  Si fillim kam hapur nje faqe ne Facebook "-amare vogue-" dhe thjeshte u mundoja aty te publikoja cdo dite. Duke u rritur numri i njerezve tek faqja e Facebook, deshira e blogut u rriste po ashtu. Tek blogu publikoj jo vetem tema mbi moden dhe veshjet e mia, por edhe keshila per produkte bukurie dhe aksesore, evenimente mode, lajme nga ikonat e mai te modes dhe artikuj mbi muziken.  

Ndiqni Fatmen tek blogu 

Armanda Spoiled Sun

Suela Emerald lace

The Dolls Factory Vespa

The Dolls Factory  WU MAGAZINE Castaner Super Duper Hats CHIARA BASCHIERI RICOSTRU LOTHO BENEDETTA BRUZZICHES COR SINE LABE DOLI photo thedollsfactory-anja-tufina-wu-magazine6_zps8701d9c2.jpg

Armanda - Black Lace

Stela Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows

Aulona Yellow Jacket

Armanda - Top of the World

The Dolls Factory Leather

a la fois hip hop watches photo a-la-foid-hip-hop-watches-thedollsfactory6_zpsf5cce7dd.jpg

Laura nga The Fashion Spice

Laura Karcanaj , 17 Vjec, Gjermani

Cilat jane ngjyrat qe gjenden ne gardaroben tende?
Te gjitha ngjyrat pervec lejlas qe nuk me pelqen si ngjyr per veshje .

3 produkte bukurie pa te ciliat nuk do jetoje dot?
1. Lip Balm
2. Mascara
3. Concealer

Ke dyqan do na keshilloje per shopping ne qytetin ku jeton?
Ne qytetin ku jetoj nuk do keshilloja ndonje dyqan per shopping pasi esht shum vend i vogel me nje zgjedhje te vogel veshjesh dhe veshjet jane kryesisht i njejti stil ne cdo dyqan qe esht ktu dhe nuk esht se perputhen me stilin tim . Por ne qytetin ngjitur me qytetin ku jetoj do iu sugjeroja te shkonit per shopping te Zara qe esht dyqani im i preferuar ne te cilin kryesisht blej canta dhe rroba per sezonin pranvere/vere.

Stilisti i preferuar?
Nuk kam ndonje stilist te preferuar ne vecanti por ne qofte se duhet te zgjidhja do thoja Marc Jacobs pasi bazohem ndonjehere ne veshjet e tij si inspirim kur kerkoj informacione per trendet e reja te sezoneve.

Ku i merr informacionet mbi moden?
Une kryesisht infromacionet per moden i marr ne revista por dhe ne internet ne blogs te ndryshme ose faqe interneti. Po me shum jam e bazuar ne revista si Teen Vogue ose Instyle qe m jane bere si biblat e mia per moden.

Perse e hape fillimisht blogun tend dhe cfare do gjejme te shkruajtur aty?
Une fillimisht si shtys per hapjen e blogut kisha pasur persona te ndryshem te shoqerise time dhe te rrethanave te mia pasi i inspironte shum stili im por nga ana tjeter e hapa blogun sepse doja te ndaja me boten menyren se si vishem une dhe doja te isha nje inspirim jo vetem per grupin tim shoqeror por dhe per te tjere. Kryesisht ne blogun tim do gjeni postime te veshjeve te mia e informacione rreth inspirimeve te mia dhe rreth trendeve te mia e opinionit tim rreth tyre .

Ndiqni Lauren tek 

Aulona - Spring is here

Ada Jeans&Themes by Diego

Armanda - Off Duty

Support Project Albanian Voices

Ashley Wood is working on a story-telling book mission that is called Project Albanian Voices . Due to the fact that it is a crowdfunding venture on kickstarter, she is asking for everyone's to fund her research. The project is not political in nature and only intends to focus on positive aspects of Albanian culture, history and language.

This is her presentation to the project where you can contribute on KickStarter

“The true history of mankind will be written only when Albanians participate in its writing.” This statement is as true today as it was in 20th century when the Austrian linguist Maximilian Lambertz said it. The interest in Albania that led to the creation of this project was due to the presence of and assistance by Albanians in a time of dire need. Awestruck by the history of the Illyrians, their language and the lack of that information that had been present about all of it in most U.S. formal education, one of the aims of Project Albanian Voices is to shed light on aspects of the Albanian culture that are positive (not to portray them as Hollywood villains). So, the goal of this project is to focus on the aspects of Albanian culture that are positive and inspirational. One motivational aspect of Albanian culture is the history of how they have defended their homeland from a multitude of antagonistic invaders, saved it from multiple wars and tolerated almost constant political instability. These stories about the necessity for migration, be it due to economic factors, deportation or blood-feuds are harrowing and exhilarating. The tales of bravery in the face of adversity are truly overwhelming and inspirational. The goal of this Kickstarter project is to raise the necessary funds to travel to Albania to complete interviews and chronicle individual stories related to migration. In order to raise this money by the deadline (May 26th at 11:59pm), we need your help. Only the efforts of an entire community interested in the fair and honest preservation of Albanian history can make this a reality. If you can donate, please do so at any amount. If you can help in other ways such as publicizing this via social networks or writing about it in blogs and newspapers, we would thank you immensely.

Aulona - Ne sulm!

Anja - Spring

parosh paloma nice things paloma s marni thedollsfactory anjeza tufina photo milan-design-week-2013-palomas-little-things-parosh-marni-thedollsfactory2_zpsf236764e.jpg

Suela - The transparent back!

Anja - Tailleur

tweet your look roma anjeza tufina thedollsfactory photo trussardi-tweet-yourlook-roma-anjeza-tufina-thedollsfactory2_zps4a66ebfe.jpg

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